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International Educator Certificate (IEC) for International Baccalaureate (IB)
The International Baccalaureate Certificate in Teaching and Learning is offered through IBO. The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is an international education foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It offers Internationally standardized curriculum. The IB learner profile provides attributes and outcomes needed for international mindedness. IB certificate in Teaching and Learning is a highly valued credential which helps open up teaching opportunities to IB schools across the globe. This programme offers participants to examine the principles and practices associated with one of the three IB programme, Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). Applicants qualifying for DP courses must specify their intended specialization in one of the six content areas: Studies in Language & Literature, Language acquisition, Individuals and Society, Sciences, Mathematics and Arts. Â
ITARI offers University of Windsor’s International Educators Certificate for International Baccalaureate (IB) Qualification in teaching and learning, aligned to the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). Graduating students are eligible to register for the IB’s certificate in teaching and learning, PYP, MPY or DP.
- Engage critically with relevant concepts, principles, theories and best practices from around the world.
- Apply new ideas and approaches in reflective practice in their own teaching and learning context
- Formatively evaluate experiences to plan further development.
- Transform the quality of teaching and school leadership to improve the outcomes of students. Transform the quality of teaching and school leadership to improve the outcomes of students.
- Application Deadline : 30th November 2023
- Course Commencement : December 2023
4 Online courses + Learning Community Â
- IEC 000 – Curriculum ProcessessÂ
- IEC 001 – Teaching and LearningÂ
- IEC 002 – Assessment and Evaluation (mandatory to complete of IEC 000 & IEC 001)Â
- IEC 003 – Professional Learning Â
- IEC 005 – Professional Learning Community (Practical component)Â
- Bachelor’s degree, AND one of the following:
Have completed or are currently completing a recognized teaching qualification from any jurisdiction in the world. - To be admitted to the program in the Diploma Programme (DP) stream, we require a copy of your undergraduate transcripts showing 10 half credits in your chosen specialization.
- Please email or visit for more information.
- Online Programme for Teacher Education Candidates, Pre-service and In-service Teachers\
- 100% placement assistance offered by ITARI on successful completion of the programme
- Self-paced programme supporting different levels of engagement (can be completed within a min of 8 months)
- Tutoring support provided by ITARI
- Programme providing insights on robust self-reflection and critiquing Professional practice
- Competitive advantage in the IB community
- Acquire skills to develop students into global citizens and provide a critically engaging, and intellectually stimulating environmentÂ
IBEC Brochure
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